Huvön, Kalix (North)
When a strong southerly wind is blowing, it is a true experience to lie still in the harbour by the island and observe the waves’ doing battle with the rocks on the southern side. Service is not available.

Natural harbour
Nautical chart 412
No service available
Description of the approach along with references to the nautical chart
You approach this lovely bay from Båtöfjärden. If you are coming from the north, you should enter the bay on course 195o. If you are coming from the south, you should enter between Kastören and Huvögrunden (3 islands that are surrounded by rocks). Keep to the middle of the waterway until you come to the cape that sticks out on the port side of Huvön. Don’t round the cape too tightly, because there are rocks just off the cape. Continue on for a while and then set course 195o to enter the bay. The bottom consists of dark mud.
This is one of the most beautiful of all the region’s islands. Once ashore you will find a top-class swimming spot on the northern beach. When hiking from the beach in a southward direction, you will first be met by a boulder ridge and then large cliffs and rock formations that are difficult to pass and that occasionally drop vertically down into the sea. Between these cliffs there are deep ravines, at the bottom of which there are trees and bushes.
An old tale tells of how silver objects were stolen from Kalix Church far back in time. According to legend, the silver objects are hidden somewhere on this island, and many are the visitors that have unsuccessfully gone in search of this treasure.