Suitable sailing descriptions and handbooks

In Swedish
(but with maps and symbols that also make them useable for people who don’t speak Swedish)
"Gästhamnsguiden" (The Guest Harbour Guide)
Provides an account of all Swedish guest harbours and also has abbreviated information in German and English. Published free-of-charge by SXK, and a new version is released each year. Visit the website for this publication
"Svenska gästhamnar" (Swedish Guest Harbours)
This book contains somewhat more comprehensive information than the above-named publication. Published by Nautiska publishing house (a new version is released each year). Price around 12 euro. Visit the website for this publication
"Landsort - Skanör"
by Söderberg and Granath. A guide containing information about guest harbours as well as descriptions/maps of natural harbours along the coastline. The information is comprehensive and complete and should cover most people’s needs. Published by Nautiska publishing house.
"Arholma - Landsort"
by Hässler and Granath. As above, but covering the islands of Stockholm. Published by Nautiska publishing house. Price around 45 euro.
"Bottenvikaren" (The Bay of Bothnia)
Can be purchased at the tourist centre in Luleå, tel. +46 (0)920-22 24 75, among other places.
"Din egen lots till Luleå Skärgård" (Your own pilot to the islands of Luleå)
A book about the islands of Luleå that is rich in content, with sailing directions, maps, pictures and facts about the 50 largest islands. Can be purchased at the tourist centre in Luleå, tel. +46 (0)920-22 24 75. Price about 505 SEK. Read more about "Din egen lots till Luleå Skärgård" on the website for the municipality of Luleå
In German
Hafenhandbuch Ostsee 2
(Southern Sweden to Åland), published by Deutsche Segler-Verbandes in 2000. Bade & Hornig. Price about 40 euro.
Ankerbuchten in der Ostschwedischen schären
Parczyk, W. u B., 1997. Bade & Hornig. Price around 45 euro.
"Rund Schweden Bd 2"
Törnfuhrer (From the southern coast to the islands of Stockholm) 1999. Bade & Hornig, Price around 26 euro.
In English
"The Baltic Sea"
Imray, London. Nautiska publishing house. Price around 65 euro.
"Baltic Pilot"
The British Admiralty, NP 19 and NP 20, price 37 GBP or available from Nautiska publishing house in Sweden, price 784 SEK.