Näverön, Kalix (North)

Excursion harbour
Nautical chart 412
Outhouse toilet, barbeque area
Description of the approach along with references to the nautical chart
Maintain course 123o to arrive at the bay where the jetty is located. Here you will find a lovely sandy beach, outhouse toilet and barbeque areas with chairs as well as an exciting mountain consisting of boulders and with many caves and cavities.
This waterway runs between Bergön on the port side and Näverön, Granskäret on the starboard side. Proceed in the middle of the waterway. Make a gentle turn to starboard. When you have passed the rocks, sail between Yttre Sandgrundet and Almansgrundet. You are now out at Råne Fjard. From this fjard you can continue on to Töre Boat Club’s facility on Bergön; if you turn to port and then turn to starboard you will then come to Rånön, among others.