Töre Hamn, Kalix (North)
The “highpoint” for any sailing trip. Sweden’s northernmost trading harbour, with a guest harbour with floating jetties at the end of the cement quay as well as at the quays along the shore.

Harbour depth: 2-2.5 m
No. of guest berths: 6 + available
The approach is easy via a marked waterway. Mooring to the north of the silo at the floating jetty or its inside. Access to electricity, water and launching ramp. Fuel is available 1.5 km away – the machine takes cash (notes).
When you get near the buoy, round it and put your name and address in the mailbox on the buoy. You will then receive a certificate sent home to you as proof of the fact that you have rounded the northernmost point of the Bay of Bothnia.